Friday, July 23, 2010

Henry's 3 Year Old Birthday List


My little boy is now three. He is turning into quite a little charmer, with a great sense of humor to boot. He has gone through several phases (obsessions) this year starting with the Nutcracker before Christmas, then he switched to the Peter Pan phase (wearing his Halloween costume almost every day) and now he is into the Toy Story phase (Toy Story 3 is in the theaters right now, so there is lots of merchandise in the stores and our house). He has a wonderful imagination, likes to do projects of all kinds, and especially enjoys evening swim trips to the pool with Vince and Eleanor. Hen can almost swim and has no fear of jumping right into the deep end, with Vince there to catch him of course.

1. What is your favorite color?


2. What are your favorite toys?
Buzz, Woody, Aliens. Um, soldiers.

3. Where do you like to go when we go outside?
On the walkway.


4. What is your favorite book?
Toy Story.

5. What things do you like to do or play with?
Read. Play with Buzz and Woody.

6. Who are your friends?

7. What is your favorite food?
Nothing. [Too true.]

8. Anything else you want to say?
Uuuum, I want to love treats. Um, soldiers. Um, applesauce. Um, Adelaide.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Three Kids at 5 Weeks

Eleanor at about 5 weeks:
2006_01_20 028

Henry at about 5 weeks:
2007_08_23 013

And, our most recent addition, Adelaide at 5 weeks and a day -- first with a sleepy smile and then another sleeping shot (for size) in my arms:


Friday, May 7, 2010

Adelaide Louise

Ok, folks. I finally uploaded the pictures to Flickr of our little Adelaide's arrival. For those who haven't heard the details -- she was 8 lbs 7 oz, 21 inches and pink as anything. She is doing well, sleeping quite a bit, nursing easily and generally really sweet. Labor and delivery, as well as most of the pregnancy for that matter, were quite drama free -- a really nice way to have a baby. We arrived at the hospital about 6:30 or so, they had me walk around for a while, my water was broken at 11:00 am, I got an epidural at 3:00ish (7 cm-ish) and at 3:30 we were ready to roll. After about 15 minutes Adelaide was born -- 3:44 pm! If I had more energy I'd write a more detailed post but we are officially outnumbered around here and I am trying to rest as much as possible before Vince heads back to work.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Quote of the Day

A couple of Henry-isms before he grows out of them (or I forget to write them down).

"That's gusting." [As in: that's disgusting. As in: most anything I serve him to eat that is not a pb&j.]

"Regado." [Regular. Not sure how this one started but he likes things "regado".]

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow, Round Two

Here are some pictures from our second snowstorm. We had at least a foot on top of last week's dump. It is pretty white around here. I am already a bit nervous for the flood we may have when it all melts. I guess we will deal with that when it happens.





