Monday, December 10, 2007

Eleanor's Winter Pals -- Snowmen and Women

Eleanor has been enjoying the company of some soft wintry friends. We had a bunch of teddy bears, snow men and one Christ-moose (thanks Jess!) in with our ornaments. These stuffed buddies have taken up residence on one corner of the couch. We also added one new snowman last week in a moment of weakness on my part when we were at Target. The round little guy with the red hat and scarf came into our family after having made two consecutive visits to the doctors office and to Target for antibiotics for each of the kids. Eleanor occupied by jumping the snowman along by the puff on his hat waiting for a prescription? Done and done.

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Anyway, we also had our first snowfall last week. Vince was so excited about it that he brought a heap of snow into the dining room at breakfast time and proceeded to create a lovely small snowman with a large carrot nose on the table for Eleanor. I don't think she quite knew what to do!

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