Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quote of the Day

Eleanor likes Altoids. Because they are "very strong." Yesterday, she had an empty tin and was offering me and Henry pretend Altoids when she looked around and said,

"Whobody else wants one?"

Two reasons I love this: 1) combining "who else wants one" and "anybody else want one" is just pure genius. She is going beyond words that she has heard and using her own smarts to make up very logical alternatives. And, 2) her imagination is just fantastic. The way she was looking around it seemed to me like there were a hundred people standing around waiting to be offered an Altoid.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Henry Still Almost Walking

Oh, he is so close. He takes forward steps when creeping along, instead of the sideways shuffle he did at first. He can also stand now for a few seconds by himself before he decides to slowly lower himself to the ground and crawl. And, if he manages a few steps, they are often accompanied by a little screech of joy

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Luckily, he has an encouraging big sister. Eleanor helps him (even when he is not sure that he wants or needs help) to walk around the room. This often begins with hysterical laughter and ends with hysterical screaming -- Eleanor screaming "Henry you want to walk!" and Henry screaming in protest.

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And, she is even giving Giraffe a little assistance in learning to walk.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Look at This!


How beautiful is this calligraphy on the invitation to Jess and Ryan's wedding?! If I didn't know that this was done by hand, I might have overlooked it as something done by a computer -- it is so utterly precise. But, when the envelope arrived, I stood mesmerized by the artistry put into each letter. I've never seen my name look so beautiful.

Maybe not everyone will appreciate it, but it really made an impression on me and I wanted to share.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Favorite (baby) Things - The Lovey

I was thinking that it has been a while since I've posted any baby things. When I first started this blog, that was one of the things I wanted to do -- keep a record of our favorite baby accouterments for future reference. At any rate, here is our "lovey" installment of favorite things.

Children will, naturally, choose something for a lovey that they like. Different children have different aesthetic preferences (in my completely unscientific opinion) and each will soothe him/herself differently. Eleanor, after a couple of months of protest, took a serious liking to the pacifier. Henry, despite our best efforts, only took the paci long enough for me to write this post and hasn't been interested in it since. However, both children have found something to snuggle with at night.

Eleanor picked out her Blankie and Dear Giraffe. (I'm giving them proper names, because that is what they deserve.) Blankie was a small blanket made from the leftover yarn from a lovely sweater and hat set made by our longtime neighbor, and baby-shower-hostess extraordinaire, Mrs. P. Now, I should mention that after 2.5 years, Blankie in no way resembles the small fluffy orange blanket that we received. However, that is because it has been so well loved through good days and bad.

The day Blankie was received:

Blankie (the orange one in the foreground) in a recent photograph by Eleanor:

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Dear Giraffe, or Giraffey as he is sometimes known, was a gift from Uncle Bobby. I will never forget the day that she first set eyes on Giraffe, it was like love at first sight. She fell right on top of him and started gleefully laughing. Giraffe is a Gund stuffed animal, and though somewhat floppier in the neck and worn looking, has held up remarkably well to all of the stroller rides, diaper changes, and carseat time that Eleanor has dished out.

Eleanor with her two favorites in the new big bed:
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Henry has only recently settled into his lovey. Thankfully, he really seems to like his own little giraffe. I had tried several different things, a small sized blanket that I made for him, various stuffed animals, a wooden rattle, but nothing really held his attention. Then, while we were shopping for our double stroller, I saw this little thing -- a sort of giraffe head on a soft cloth blanket body -- and decided to give it a try. I figured because I thought it was so cute he would surely ignore it completely. Much to my surprise and delight, he actually thought it was cute too. Funny that both kids have latched on to giraffes, could that be because I like them? Anyway, Henry's is a MiYim organic toy (I know, I'm a greenish yuppie), and it is really sweet. I don't have any pictures of him with it yet but it looks like this, only slightly more loved:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Henry's 1 List

I did a list for Eleanor when she turned two and I thought I should do the same each year for both kids. Since Henry is still to small to answer these questions on his own, I am going to do my best to give adequate answers on his behalf. So, here is Henry's one year old list:

1. What is your favorite word?
He sure likes "Uh-oh". Other words on the top of the list include: cup, book (pronounced "gook"), dog, dada. He also makes this excited growl when he sees any animal, especially the bunnies in our yard.

2. What are your favorite toys?
The little yellow school bus that Caryn was so generous to give us, the shopping cart that I got at a garage sale for $1 and anything else he can push around on his knees. Also, he has finally found a lovey -- a little giraffe (or cow, depending on who is looking at it) with a sort of washcloth-like body. Thank heavens he found something to cuddle at night! Oh, and the vacuum cleaner.

3. Where do you like to go when we go outside?
Crawl around in the grass, imitate Eleanor, pick marigolds from the garden, growl at the bunnies and birds, and eat dirt.

4. What is your favorite book?
He likes our Baby Faces board book.

5. What things do you like to do or play with?
I think his favorite game is crawling up and down the hallway with Eleanor. Also, pulling books off the shelf.

6. What is your favorite food?
I think Henry may become a frutarian. He mostly likes blueberries, bananas, peaches and especially the small plums we get from the farmers market.

Happy first year Big Man. We love you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Step

Henry took a step today. It was the first one I've seen, though there may have been another a few weeks back when I was in the kitchen. At any rate, he is very close to walking. He has been racing all around the house behind the shopping cart, the doll stroller, and the new walking cart we got him for his birthday. (He also likes to do this on his knees, sort of a hybrid walk/crawl.) His balance is pretty good and I don't think it will be too long at all before he is really, truly walking.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Henry's Big Day

I can't believe my baby boy is one year old. I'm sure I've written something similar or even these exact words about Eleanor, but each year that passes seems incomprehensible. They really do grow so fast.

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We celebrated in fantastic style thanks to Vince and Grandaddy's efforts out in the backyard. Our simple, usually overgrown, yard was transformed into a veritable water park complete with vibrant colors and joyful kids. Hot dogs, lemonade and corn on the cob were consumed by all; it really did feel like summertime.

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Henry's cake experience was somewhat tentative. After acting shy when everyone sang, he was hesitant to touch the cake. Once he got a taste though, he didn't have a problem finishing it up.

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The funniest moment of the party, in my opinion, was when Vince and Karl started using the slip and slide as a luge. Had the shed not been in the way, and the grass not burned quite as much, I think they might still be out there trying to best each other.

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(Notice Vince's perfect penguin form and Grace's reaction.)

Thanks to everyone who was here to celebrate with us and to everyone who was thinking of our big man on his birthday.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Popsicle Day

Both the kids have had a bit of a cold this week, so on Tuesday we had Popsicle Day in order to make sure they were getting enough liquids in this hot weather. I think it was a hit.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quote of the Day

Eleanor: Mom, I like the ice cream truck SO much.

[No explanation needed.]

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I am getting ready to make a dress for Eleanor using a pattern. This will be the first time I have ever used a real pattern, the kind that comes in an envelope with the tissue paper. I've always seen them at the fabric store and they seem really intimidating. Well, they are. I pulled the thing out and I still have yet to figure out which size to cut so that the dress will actually fit her. I read all the directions, which is not usually in my nature for a creative project like this, and still, nothing. So, I decided to take all of Eleanor's measurements while she was awake so that I could work on figuring it out while she is asleep.

After I had finished with her measurements, I came back in the room a few minutes later and found her taking some measurements on her doll (actually, Riley's doll -- on long term loan). Not only was she using the tape measure, she was also writing down the measurements on the bottom of the sheet I had used to record my own information. What a stitch! (Pun intended.)

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July (belated)

I have pictures of the kids in their red, white and blue but between visits with all of our friends who are in town for the festivities, I just haven't gotten them downloaded yet. I'll post it up as soon as possible.

It was nice to see Leah, Rachel, Josh, Mr. & Mrs. Z on Thursday and Sean, Jeannie, and Jason yesterday for the holiday. What fun to have folks in for a visit.

July 8th update. Here (finally) are the pictures to accompany this post!!

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer Sweetness

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We have been having so much fun lately. Lots of friends and family around, backyard time, pool visits almost every day, farmer's market trips and general summer fun. For example:

Grace and Eleanor had a tea party the other day.
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Riley taught Eleanor to make a funny face.
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And, Eleanor enjoys busting it out now and again.
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We have had the laundry out on the line -- nothing quite like the smell of fresh sunshine on clothes.
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We picked out all of our favorite fruits and veggies at the farmer's market when Grandma and Aunt Sarah were here, including "hairy berries" (raspberries) and "pits" (cherries). Most of it was consumed before we ever made it home.
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We had a spontaneous barbecue and baby pool party.
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And, we have eaten lots and lots of bumbleberry pie and cobbler. Yum.
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day

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Happy Canada Day to all our family and friends (and everyone else too)! Eleanor and Henry wore their Canada shirts today in honor of the holiday -- thanks Aunt Lynda.

Lots of new pictures and notes to post up from recent days but it will have to wait until tomorrow when I am well rested and can think in coherent sentences.