Monday, July 21, 2008

Henry's 1 List

I did a list for Eleanor when she turned two and I thought I should do the same each year for both kids. Since Henry is still to small to answer these questions on his own, I am going to do my best to give adequate answers on his behalf. So, here is Henry's one year old list:

1. What is your favorite word?
He sure likes "Uh-oh". Other words on the top of the list include: cup, book (pronounced "gook"), dog, dada. He also makes this excited growl when he sees any animal, especially the bunnies in our yard.

2. What are your favorite toys?
The little yellow school bus that Caryn was so generous to give us, the shopping cart that I got at a garage sale for $1 and anything else he can push around on his knees. Also, he has finally found a lovey -- a little giraffe (or cow, depending on who is looking at it) with a sort of washcloth-like body. Thank heavens he found something to cuddle at night! Oh, and the vacuum cleaner.

3. Where do you like to go when we go outside?
Crawl around in the grass, imitate Eleanor, pick marigolds from the garden, growl at the bunnies and birds, and eat dirt.

4. What is your favorite book?
He likes our Baby Faces board book.

5. What things do you like to do or play with?
I think his favorite game is crawling up and down the hallway with Eleanor. Also, pulling books off the shelf.

6. What is your favorite food?
I think Henry may become a frutarian. He mostly likes blueberries, bananas, peaches and especially the small plums we get from the farmers market.

Happy first year Big Man. We love you.

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