Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Favorite (baby) Things - The Lovey

I was thinking that it has been a while since I've posted any baby things. When I first started this blog, that was one of the things I wanted to do -- keep a record of our favorite baby accouterments for future reference. At any rate, here is our "lovey" installment of favorite things.

Children will, naturally, choose something for a lovey that they like. Different children have different aesthetic preferences (in my completely unscientific opinion) and each will soothe him/herself differently. Eleanor, after a couple of months of protest, took a serious liking to the pacifier. Henry, despite our best efforts, only took the paci long enough for me to write this post and hasn't been interested in it since. However, both children have found something to snuggle with at night.

Eleanor picked out her Blankie and Dear Giraffe. (I'm giving them proper names, because that is what they deserve.) Blankie was a small blanket made from the leftover yarn from a lovely sweater and hat set made by our longtime neighbor, and baby-shower-hostess extraordinaire, Mrs. P. Now, I should mention that after 2.5 years, Blankie in no way resembles the small fluffy orange blanket that we received. However, that is because it has been so well loved through good days and bad.

The day Blankie was received:

Blankie (the orange one in the foreground) in a recent photograph by Eleanor:

Eleanors Photography 2008_05_09 045

Dear Giraffe, or Giraffey as he is sometimes known, was a gift from Uncle Bobby. I will never forget the day that she first set eyes on Giraffe, it was like love at first sight. She fell right on top of him and started gleefully laughing. Giraffe is a Gund stuffed animal, and though somewhat floppier in the neck and worn looking, has held up remarkably well to all of the stroller rides, diaper changes, and carseat time that Eleanor has dished out.

Eleanor with her two favorites in the new big bed:
2008_07_18 005

Henry has only recently settled into his lovey. Thankfully, he really seems to like his own little giraffe. I had tried several different things, a small sized blanket that I made for him, various stuffed animals, a wooden rattle, but nothing really held his attention. Then, while we were shopping for our double stroller, I saw this little thing -- a sort of giraffe head on a soft cloth blanket body -- and decided to give it a try. I figured because I thought it was so cute he would surely ignore it completely. Much to my surprise and delight, he actually thought it was cute too. Funny that both kids have latched on to giraffes, could that be because I like them? Anyway, Henry's is a MiYim organic toy (I know, I'm a greenish yuppie), and it is really sweet. I don't have any pictures of him with it yet but it looks like this, only slightly more loved:

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