Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

Eleanor and Henry were helping "wash" dishes in the sink today while I washed the floor.

Eleanor: "I made bubbly soup!"

Me: "What ingredients do you use in bubbly soup?"

Eleanor: "Um, corn, guacamole, And, that's all."

She loves talking about ingredients. She is going to enjoy the kitchen like her Grandaddy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It has been a long time since I have done a good old fashioned photo shoot with the kids where I take a gluttonous amount of photos and post way to many to our Flickr feed. But, since we had our first snowfall of the season, I decided today was the day. We went over to Anna's house for a little bit and played in (or completely trampled) the snow on their front lawn. The kids had a blast and, as promised, we had hot chocolate upon our return to the house. The hot chocolate probably delighted them equally as much as the actual snow. So, here are a few of my favorites from the afternoon:

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And, on a completely separate note, I finally put the pictures from the inauguration up. It was really amazing to see all of the people who showed up to celebrate the various inaugural festivities. We enjoyed spending the day with Leah and her family, though we didn't actually stay until the parade. It was fun to watch the parade at home with the kids anyway.

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Quote of the Day

Henry (with gusto): Gaah-baah!

Translation: Barack Obama!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Concert

So, there was this little show down on the mall today. When my dearest, sweetest, most generous husband suggested that I go down and see it, I couldn't say no. Though I did lament that he and the kids were not there to share it with me. It was good though to go Beth and Jason, we had so much fun. There were just masses of people but everyone was in a great mood and things flowed so smoothly. The line was long but once we got in there was lots of space to move around and we found a great spot near the reflecting pool to watch and listen to a piece of history.

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A few little things that happened near us: There was a sweet family right next to us with a little girl sleeping on her dad's lap, she reminded me of Eleanor and it made me smile to see her there. At one point, a little boy noticed the Washington Monument and comment on how sharp it looked. He was right, it did look sharp against the cloudy sky. And, I have to say thank you to the random guys who gave us their leftover chips after waiting in line for two hours at the concession stand -- that small random act of kindness kept me from passing out from hunger (I forgot to eat lunch in my excitement to get down to the show).

This time I took LOTS of pictures and they are all up and ready to look at. More to come on Tuesday.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

This Morning

This morning we went down to the National Gallery of Art for a morning of culture. It was really exciting to see preparations being made for all of the inaugural events that will take place in the next few days. The Capitol was decked out with flags, there was a mini MSNBC studio on the Mall at 7th Street SW broadcasting some sort of coverage, there were a million news trucks from all over lining Madison Drive, there were speakers and equipment near the Lincoln Memorial for the big concert tomorrow (Bono!, Springsteen, etc.), and there were port-a-pottys everywhere. Vince asked me as we were driving down Jefferson if I could see any parking spots across the mall on Madison and my reply was "No, all I can see are port-a-pottys!"

Anyway, there is certainly a buzz in the air around here. It is so exciting to be able to witness these historic moments in person. I'll have to take the camera next time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kids are Growing

I haven't been much in the blogging mood lately. Not sure why. But today, we had their checkups with the pediatrician and it reminded me that the reason I want to blog is to have a family record of things that are happening in our lives. Something that, perhaps, the kids will want to look back on years down the road.

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So, I thought I should give a few updates on the kids and what they are up to. First thing is that they are growing. Like weeds. Eleanor was weighed on the regular scale today, not the little scale that babies use. And, instead of laying her down on the examination table to measure her height, they stood her up against the wall and used the big kid height measuring device. Turns out she is definitely not a baby anymore.

Eleanor also started a dance class today. It is sort of a combination dance class, playtime, dress-up, imaginary play type class rather than a very structured type of thing. She quietly observed the entire class without hardly moving and then proceeded to reenact the entire thing in the living room when we got home. I am pretty sure she liked it. And, she definitely loved the new leotard (in a bright fuchsia color) that her friend Kate gave to her to wear. I have to get a picture of that, sorry not to have one for this post.

Henry's ears are finally clear and the tubes seem to be working. Hooray! Our pediatrician made sure to ask me if he was making sounds -- they worry that kids with chronic ear infections may have hearing problems and therefore speech delays. I told her that was not a concern with Henry. He is the biggest chatterbox I may have ever met. He repeats everything. Everything. For example, I asked him, "Henry, are you feeling pretty crappy right now?" to which he responds, "Crappy? Crappy. CRAPPY!" And, always with a mischievous little grin.

So, that is a little update. I think I will try to get back in the habit (maybe one of my new years resolutions?) of writing at least a couple of times a week.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Some Christmas Thoughts

I know it is well into 2009 but after a(n) (un) healthy dose of the stomach flu, pink eye, ear infections and coughs, I am just now getting to the Christmas pictures. By the way, it wasn't just me that had all those things (thank heavens!), the maladies were spread out pretty evenly amongst our family members. And, don't worry, we are all better or on the mend.

Christmas was magical with the kids this year. It has always been my favorite season but now I play the role of the excited adult instead of the excited kid. We arrived to Michigan with 10 inches of beautiful white snow.

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The kids wanted so badly to make a snow man and we didn't have to wait too long for the snow to be perfect for packing. Vince and the kids made an enormous snowman, which I promptly, but accidentally, knocked down.

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We got in a bit of sledding on the sidewalk, but it was sort of scary at first. Vince had to show them how it was done. It wasn't until we started calling it the snow train that the kids really got into it. Eleanor especially was having a ball getting on and off with "snow tickets" at various "stations".

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We got to see Aunt Jess and Uncle Ryan, a really nice surprise.

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And, we celebrated Christmas Eve complete with the Christmas Pie (which unfortunately I don't have any pictures of) and Grandma's reading of the Night Before Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Eric, Aunt Sarah, Crystal and Laurie.

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Christmas morning was spent with Mu, Tada, Nana, Aunt Glee, Auntie Lynda, and Mike opening all of the gifts that Santa Claus brought in the stockings.

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I realize this post is getting very long and picture heavy but it was just so special to spend this time with our families. Just a couple more pictures though to round it out because there so many special little moments that I just don't want to forget -- the kids running through the mall holding hands and giggling, Eleanor dancing around the house to the Nutcracker wearing the tutu that Nana made for me when I was about her age, and Henry tromping around in the snow for the very first time.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Lots to share over the past couple of weeks, I just need to get the pictures downloaded. In the meantime, here are a few shots from our trip to the US Botanic Garden. They have an amazing model train exhibit around the holidays, which was perfect for the young train enthusiasts in our family. It is really quite remarkable -- all of the buildings and houses in the exhibit are created out of natural materials such as leaves, wood, vines and the like. They had models of several DC landmarks as well as little cottages, tree houses, and other small creations that looked as if they were straight out of a fairy tale. The kids still liked the trains best.

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