Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kids are Growing

I haven't been much in the blogging mood lately. Not sure why. But today, we had their checkups with the pediatrician and it reminded me that the reason I want to blog is to have a family record of things that are happening in our lives. Something that, perhaps, the kids will want to look back on years down the road.

2009_01_05 143

So, I thought I should give a few updates on the kids and what they are up to. First thing is that they are growing. Like weeds. Eleanor was weighed on the regular scale today, not the little scale that babies use. And, instead of laying her down on the examination table to measure her height, they stood her up against the wall and used the big kid height measuring device. Turns out she is definitely not a baby anymore.

Eleanor also started a dance class today. It is sort of a combination dance class, playtime, dress-up, imaginary play type class rather than a very structured type of thing. She quietly observed the entire class without hardly moving and then proceeded to reenact the entire thing in the living room when we got home. I am pretty sure she liked it. And, she definitely loved the new leotard (in a bright fuchsia color) that her friend Kate gave to her to wear. I have to get a picture of that, sorry not to have one for this post.

Henry's ears are finally clear and the tubes seem to be working. Hooray! Our pediatrician made sure to ask me if he was making sounds -- they worry that kids with chronic ear infections may have hearing problems and therefore speech delays. I told her that was not a concern with Henry. He is the biggest chatterbox I may have ever met. He repeats everything. Everything. For example, I asked him, "Henry, are you feeling pretty crappy right now?" to which he responds, "Crappy? Crappy. CRAPPY!" And, always with a mischievous little grin.

So, that is a little update. I think I will try to get back in the habit (maybe one of my new years resolutions?) of writing at least a couple of times a week.

1 comment:

The Santiago Four said...

Molly I read this article about kids who are quiet observers and how they tend to be spacial geniuses (sp?) and have much more empathy and understanding of people around them. Makes me think of Eleanor.