Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Henry Gives Peas a Chance and Eleanor Helps Out

Henry is well into "solid" foods now. Of course he likes things nice and mushy as babies of his age generally do. So far, the only thing he definitively likes is bananas -- everything else still gets a grimace. I have found though, that a bit of banana mashed into whatever else he is eating helps significantly.

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Eleanor has been a huge help in preparing (and taste testing) Henry's food. I do appreciate her assistance in the kitchen.

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Henry is also sitting up on his own, though still prone to spontaneous toppling. I think he quite enjoys the seated view of things though. (This picture is from a couple of weeks ago, he's much better at it now -- I'll have to get some better shots.)

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And finally, Eleanor has made some hilarious, insightful, and generally marvelous statements lately. I wrote about a few from our trip to the National Gallery of Art here. It is amazing how fast they learn at this age. I have a few pangs of guilt every time we hear "Don Alfredo Baila" on the new Music Together CD -- Eleanor has already mastered all of the Spanish in that song (dedo, mano, brazo, pecho) and it makes me feel as though I need to expose her to more Spanish on a regular basis. Something to work towards!

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