Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

Eleanor: I don't want to see that growley thing that growls.

We learned the hard way that the Abominable Snow Monster from the classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer TV special is still too scary for a three year old. After some fast forwarding (thank you DVR box) and much reassurance that he was just growley because he had a toothache, which Hermy the Elf rectified by pulling his teeth, she seemed somewhat satisfied that he was not in fact so scary. However, she is still talking about how they don't have stores where the Abominable Snow Monster lives that sell big toothbrushes.

And, I should mention that I have more posts to come, I am way behind on account of the big birthday, the holidays and sick kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! She was telling me about a Snowman at her birthday party and was so very serious about it! I didn't fully understand until now. Poor girl!