Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So my Halloween post was two weeks late, why not make the Thanksgiving post nearly a month late? Things have been so busy around here. Henry has had terrible ears, cough and nose for such a long time I can't even remember when it began. The tubes have only minimally helped, though we had a hopeful appointment today where his ENT said that the right tube is, in fact, still in the ear and starting to function properly. I feared that we would have to go through the whole process again since our pediatrician though the right tube had fallen out. Anyway, I was going to post about Thanksgiving...

We had an early Thanksgiving meal at Sarah, Karl and Anna's house with a bunch of other friends. It was so much fun and the food was amazing. I still need to track down Cate's sweet potato/marshmallow goodness recipe. The kids all had a great time running around and tearing up the house.

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Mu and Tada came for the week of Thanksgiving and we had lots of adventures. We had another lovely meal, though the kids were on the verge of sickness so they were a bit restless. The only picture I got of the food was the pie. I just can't help myself with pie.

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We also visited the newly re-opened National Museum of American History, which has a fantastic transportation exhibit called American on the Move (trains, trains, trains).

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While on the mall, we stopped into Natural History for a meal and a quick trip through their new Sant Ocean Hall.

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We also got a Christmas tree and decorated it. Since the kids were feeling so crappy, we just picked one up at a nearby nursery instead of going out to cut our own. I think they still had fun putting the "decorates" up.

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