Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Henry is Two!

My sweet little boy is two years old. He talks a blue streak in amazingly understandable English. He runs, jumps and climbs all over the place, just as one would expect. He is a snuggly, lovey, sweet little boy and I am so happy to have him in our lives. [I may put a few more pictures up once the computer issue is resolved, we have a bunch of nice shots from our trip.]

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What is your favorite color?

2. What are your favorite toys?
Mmm. [Thinking.] Mmm. Mmm. Wicker dicker toy. [Henry has been saying "wicker dicker" and "ocker docker" a lot lately. Not sure what it is about but it is pretty funny.]

3. Where do you like to go when we go outside?
At store. [With Eleanor in the background saying "to the farmers market!"] I want to see a train.

4. What is your favorite book?
Mmm. Wicker dicker book. [I think he likes the Chalkbox Story by Don Freeman, Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown, and anything about trucks or trains.]

5. What things do you like to do or play with?
Wicker dicker like play with. [I notice him playing with his "guys", cars, trains, trucks and his new scooter that Vince got him for his birthday. And, any kind of pushing toy. He is very happy to play along side Eleanor, for the most part.]

6. Who are your friends?
Mmm. I want go down on the floor, Mama! [He is getting tired of my questioning. I would say his partner in crime is definitely Anna and he also hangs out with Eleanor's friends.]

July 2009 011

7. What is your favorite food?
Mmm. Wicker dicker food. [I think he is just saying wicker dicker because now I laugh every time he does. Henry seems to like pizza, milk and anything sweet. He has my sweet tooth for sure.]

2009_07_09 187

1 comment:

Caryn said...

Fantastic Post Molly! He sure is growing up fast. That last photo of him in this post is just perfect, so sweet.
Yea Henry!
CB & Crew