Monday, September 24, 2007


I love crayons. I love the smell of them, I love it when they are brand new with a sharp point, and I love it when they are in a yellow box broken into little tiny pieces. Eleanor is drawing quite a bit these days. She likes me (or whoever is nearby) to draw a train for her and then she will draw the train tracks. I am actually quite tired of drawing trains but I indulge her because she enjoys it so much. In fact, right now she is saying "up up, done done" trying to get me to the table to draw. I'll finish this post in a bit -- in the meantime, here is Eleanor a few months ago:

2007_04_27 060

Seems like I always start a post when the kids are asleep or when Eleanor is playing quietly and the moment I do, one or both are calling for my attention. It is nice to be needed but makes writing very difficult.

The other thing I wanted to say about crayons is that they work wonders when we are out and need a distraction. I keep four crayons that we got from a restaurant in my diaper bag and pull them out at restaurants where they do not have crayons, at doctors offices, or wherever. I also try to keep a piece of paper to draw on, but an old receipt works just as well.

Just today Eleanor realized that crayons work on things other than her pad of paper. She colored on her plastic snack bowl and nearly made the wall her canvas. I reminded her that crayons are for drawing on paper -- we'll see how long it is before we have murals.

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