Thursday, November 29, 2007

Favorite (Baby) Things -- Snack Trap

I am back in baby mode, thinking of favorite things, since I have a baby shower to attend this weekend. It made me realize that I haven't put up any baby/toddler favorites lately. So, here is my little review on the Snack Trap.

When Eleanor was just starting solid foods, a friend told me that I would definitely need a Snack Trap. She showed me the one her daugher used and I thought it looked fine, nothing out of the ordinary. But, the seed had been planted and when I saw it at Buy Buy Baby, I bought it. Thank goodness I did, it has saved thousands of Cheerios from being lost to the depths of our car, the couch or any other dark and deep place that children's food might be lost.

The Snack Trap is basically a little cup with handles and a lid that allows toddler hands in and out without too much spilling. It really works amazingly well. We got a knockoff at Target and I have to say that the one actually called the Snack Trap works the best. We happen to have the pink one with the butterfly on it.

Here are a few of Leah's amazing shots from the spring, which happen to feature the snack trap that we couldn't get out of Eleanor's hand:

snack trap_0002

snack trap_0001

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