Thursday, November 15, 2007

Neglecting my Job

This is how I see the responsibilities of my current job:

1. Take care of Eleanor and Henry. This includes day to day stuff: feeding, playing, reading, going for adventure walks, bathing, etc., as well as once-in-a-while stuff: doctors appointments, playdates, music classes, etc. This, thankfully, is not the part of the job I have been neglecting!

(Here is where the recent neglect starts...)

2. Managing the house. This includes: keeping the kitchen and living areas somewhat clean, making sure that everyone has enough clean clothes, yard work, etc. After having my wonderful father-in-law help out with kitchen maintenance for a few days, I have gotten very lazy. My least favorite chore (unloading the dishwasher) has caused a major backup in the (extremely small) counter area. So, today while my little angels are sleeping I decided to turn around my delinquent ways and got things spic and span. Feels good.

3. Updating the family via blog, Flickr, web cam, phone, etc. about the babes. I haven't been writing much lately and I realized last night that it had been two whole weeks since I put any new pictures up. Sorry, grandparents! I really do mean to do this more often but the past couple of weeks Henry has decided to go on sleep strike and I haven't felt much like sitting in front of the computer. Well, last night Henry got back on track with a solid 9 hour performance, so I was able to post some pictures and am (as you can tell) back at the blog.

4. Other duties as assigned.

Anyway, I am lucky to have the job and I hope that I can be more attentive to the responsibilities laid out in the description. And on that note, a funny picture of Henry in his old man pants:

2007_11_14 051

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