Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving and the Tree

We had a truly fabulous holiday with a full spread and a nice large gathering of family. The only downfall of the weekend was the cold that had Eleanor coughing and Vince and I complaining about our sore throats! I hope everyone else doesn't come down with the bug. At any rate, we owe a huge thanks to everyone who helped make it possible -- especially to Mu and Tada who came a few days early to help ready the house and prepare the food, not to mention the playing and reading with Eleanor and Henry. It most certainly would not have been possible without them.

We did manage to get a tree as well, though the farm that we have cut trees at for the past couple of years had sold the property and had no more trees for do-it-yourselfers. We were all cold and tired so we decided to just get a pre-cut tree rather than driving to another farm. We did have a nice lunch at a cute little place in Clifton, VA on the way home, complete with peanut soup and a caboose in the parking lot.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend, the rest are up in the Thanksgiving Week set.

Eleanor helped with food prep:
2007_11_25 011

The table(s) was dressed with leaves (from adventure walks), wooden acorns, Lake Superior basalt, and gourds:
2007_11_25 014

Everyone ate:
2007_11_25 048

The camera's timer worked it's magic for a family portrait:
2007_11_25 069

We had fun with the caboose in Clifton, VA after picking out the tree:
2007_11_25 081

We had a few minor hangups with the tree:
2007_11_25 093

But eventually managed to get it up and decorated:
2007_11_25 123

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