Monday, March 3, 2008

Art, for Goodness Sake

I have been feeling like I need to be more artsy around here lately. It all started out when I enrolled Eleanor in an art class with Paula, her new art teacher, several weeks ago. It is the most adorable thing -- six little darlings around a low table up to their elbows in paint, glue, glitter and joy. (Thank you to Cathy for the recommendation.)

Coincidentally, right around the same time, I came across a new blog that I am really enjoying called The Artful Parent. The woman who writes the blog, Jean Van’t Hul, seems to know exactly what questions I have, because every post is just what I need to keep (or bring) a little bit of art and beauty in our day to day existence. So, thanks Jean.

The idea of art in everyday life has also got me thinking about the Kuna. They really live artfully without even stressing out about it like I seem to be doing. They just naturally incorporate beauty, color and lovely forms into daily life. The most obvious example is the molas that the women wear, but even in small things such as the wirwir, a kitchen utensil that they use for making madun (a thick warm plantain beverage) the Kunas' artful ideals shine through. And, don't even get me started on their language -- I mean, a word like wirwir to describe something that stirs really fast -- it's fantastic. Anyway, the exhibit and book "The Art of Being Kuna" really hit the nail on the head with that title.

These various tangents have led to much more artsy experimentation around the house. This morning we tried a bit of painting, which I have been hesitant to do because of the carpet. However, as I have seen in art class, Eleanor is pretty decent at keeping it (whatever materials she is working with) on the table. So we gave it a go.

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The results were very satisfying, Eleanor enjoyed experimenting with the brush, her fingers, a baby food jar, the textured watercolor paper and the paint. From what I have been reading lately, it is important to discuss the experience with Eleanor rather than the finished product, but I must say, the middle piece with the baby food jar prints, is quite visually appealing to me. In fact, I think I am going to frame it and put it up somewhere. And, my worrying was for naught, as no paint ended up on the floor.

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(These pictures are sideways, I couldn't pin them up the way she painted them because there wasn't enough space. So, tilt your head to the right and you will see them as they were created!)

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