Friday, August 24, 2007

Library Books - week of July 20, 2007

Initially, I thought the books we got this week were a bust. Eleanor didn't seem interested in them at all. However, had I been a bit more patient, I would have seen that after becoming more familiar with them she has enjoyed each and every one. We got five books this week but I think I'll just review three again -- more feasible considering time constraints of rearing two children!

1. The Day the Babies Crawled Away by Peggy Rathmann
This is one I picked out because I loved the illustrations. Hmm, I seem to do that often! This book is amazing though -- all of the pictures are black silhouettes against soft colors that make up the sky. The negative space created throughout the book almost reminds me of lace, it really is beautiful. The rhyming storyline follows a bunch of babies who crawl away from their parents (who are eating pies) and the little boy (I think it is intended to be a boy) who brings them safely home. Eleanor had a hard time making it through the text on each page at first but once she heard some of the rhymes a few times it became easier. I think the concept of the silhouette was also a bit difficult for her. The illustrations are so clever though; on each page there is something new to look for that carries on throughout the book. Once Eleanor figured out the the dark part was where the story was taking place, she was thrilled to look for the little caterpillar, the frogs in the bog or the upside down baby in each picture.

2. Shake my Sillies Out by Raffi, Illustrated by David Allender
This book is based on a song by Raffi and actually includes the sheet music at the end of the book. Too bad I don't play an instrument! At any rate, Eleanor and I made up our own tune for the words and danced like crazy. She really got a kick out of shaking, clapping, jumping (which she hasn't quite mastered yet), and yawing all of her sillies out. In fact, we may even have to download Raffi's song so that she can continue to shake after we return the book.

3. Harry at the Garage by Derek Radford
This one was Eleanor's choice. She saw the big red car on the cover, grabbed the book and said "vroom, vroom". I knew this book was coming home with us. I found it hilarious to open the cover and see all sorts of cars from 1994 when the book was published, including a Chevy Camaro Coupe, a Lincoln Town Car, and a Pontiac Trans Sport SE. Guess that is the Michigan in me. This book is actually really interesting though. Maybe a bit advanced for Eleanor, it details a trip to the garage to have a car worked on by a hippo and his two kids. They talk about all the jobs that people in the garage do and there is one picture that discusses all the parts of the engine. Eleanor was a bit impatient with the pages that were text heavy but she did like looking at all the cars. Like father, like daughter!

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