Thursday, June 26, 2008

Library Books - Week of June 23, 2008

I'm behind again on library book updates. Wanted to put a few from this past bunch that we enjoyed.

1. The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter.
Eleanor loved this book. I think in part because it is physically small and certainly in part because it is an interesting story with lovely pictures. Beatrix Potter, of course, is well known for Peter Rabbit, which we also have and enjoy. But, I must say, Eleanor would take this book in to her bed with her and I would hear her repeating all of the little phrases ("the water was all slippy-sloppy in the larder...") to herself in a whisper before she fell asleep.

2. Rain Makes Applesauce by Julian Scheer, illustrated by Marvin Bileck
This is a unique book of "silly talk" with marvelously detailed illustrations. Another one that I read through once and heard Eleanor repeating as she perused the pages. I also like the idea that rain (indirectly) really does make applesauce. There is a small tree on each page that grows and eventually produces apples in a sort of surreal dreamlike way.

3. Train (Take it Apart) by Chris Oxlade, illustrated by Mike Grey
This book really brought out the train geek in Eleanor. She got all excited to learn that a "bogie" holds the wheels on a train and that "maglev" trains use magnets to move along the tracks. A bit technical in parts for a 2.5 year old but it didn't stop us from reading it about a million times.

I have a few more books to add as well to the train book list. Maybe I will get to that if Henry decides to take a nap!

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