Sunday, June 15, 2008

Picture Perfect Morning

We have had such a nice Father's Day. Grandaddy had the great idea to pick strawberries this morning and it could not have been more lovely. The weather was unusually beautiful, cool(ish), clear and breezy. We headed to Homestead Farm where we have picked apples and pumpkins, to load up on their strawberries.

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After a short wagon ride, pulled by a really cool tractor, we hopped into the strawberry field with other eager folks to search for the perfect red ripe strawberries. We have been reading a great book lately, on loan from Riley, called The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear (by Don and Audrey Wood), so of course we talked a lot about red ripe strawberries.

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Another book that came to mind was Blueberries for Sal (by Robert McClosky). There were definitely more berries going in Eleanor's mouth than in the cooler. As a matter of fact, I took several photos of the cooler over the course of our time in the field and surprisingly (or not) the amount seemed to stay about the same, no matter how many red ripe berries I put in.

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It gave me a little smile though, to see just how much Eleanor and Henry were enjoying the experience. I really like having the farm nearby and our garden out back so that we are able to show them where food really comes from; it seems to make eating that much more enjoyable.

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After we finished picking, we headed back to the main store area and got a couple of hotdogs. Again, Henry and Eleanor were in seventh heaven. And, ketchup and mustard were everywhere, and I mean everywhere! When we went to weigh the strawberries we realized that we probably should have weighed Eleanor in as well.

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After naps we made a trip to the pool, which was packed on such a beautiful day. Both kids are just as comfortable as fish in the water, though neither can swim yet. Won't be long though.

And the day was topped off with an amazing feast provided by Grandaddy. Sausage, steak, potato salad, coleslaw, and strawberry shortcake (of course) for dessert. Yum yum.

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