Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thinking about things

I have been thinking about things lately. Nothing particularly important, just things -- memories from my childhood, happy thoughts about family, and other flashes of my past. Sometimes the thoughts are triggered by something, a movement by Eleanor, a sound, a smell, or nothing at all. Here are a few things that have been on my mind this week, in no particular order:

Catching crayfish in Jackson Creek with Mike and Lynda. The thrill when you have one cornered and manage to get it into the bucket.

The smell of fresh cut grass.

Playing croquet in Gran's yard.

Biscuits in Gran's small, warm kitchen. And the pencils, papers and rocks on the desk.

Playing with neighborhood kids in Peterborough. Will Eleanor and Henry have friends at their grandparents' houses?

Going for a drive and getting butter tarts at the little shop on the corner with Nana. If you have never had a butter tart, you really should. The name says it all. Yum yum yum.

Watching storms roll up on Gran's porch. We've had a few massive storms in the past couple of weeks. Every time the smell of rain is in the air I think of Gran's porch, the lightening bugs and the boiling clouds approaching with flashes and bangs.

We lived far away from both grandmothers (and grandfather when Grampy was alive) but somehow those memories from our visits to Peterborough and Rolla are vivid in my mind, especially the summer memories as we move into the warmest part of the year.

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