Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eleanor's Photography - Volume 2

Eleanor has been busy as a bee with her camera lately. She is really getting the hang of taking pictures, though she still captures her fingers in the frame from time to time. I went to download her images yesterday and realized there were 364 pictures on the camera! After sorting through all of them, I put up a select few (my selection, not hers) in the Flickr set dedicated to her work. Here are some of my favorites:

2008_08_20 163
(I love this picture. You can see a bit of the red of her finger at the bottom and she captured the best smile I've seen on Henry's face.)

2008_08_20 155
(From the car window.)

2008_08_20 174
(We didn't have any documentation of the act of toenail clipping before this shot.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Budding talent! I want to book her for our next family reunion! Great job E!