Friday, August 15, 2008


Eleanor is going to school in September! We found a space for her at a lovely place just up the road from us. Though she will likely be the youngest one in her 3s class, the director seemed to think she will fit right in. I am not sure why there are so many kids trying to enroll in the 2 year old classes around here but we are happy to have found a spot for her at a school that seems really warm and friendly.

The school is a cooperative nursery school, which will be such fun for me because ever other week I will get to go to school with her. Not to worry about Henry, he will be safe and sound in the toddler sitting room. I get giddy just thinking about it, back to school time was always one of my favorite times of year. We always knew when school was coming growing up, the weather would cool, the MSU band could be heard practicing, and the town seemed to swell with students. Plus, there is nothing more fun than having brand new pencils, erasers, backpacks, and notebooks. Eleanor is probably not quite at that stage yet, but nursery school is certainly an exciting first step.

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