Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Eleanor's Art Show

A couple of weeks ago, Eleanor had her first art show. Her beloved teacher, Paula, is putting her studio for toddlers and preschoolers on hold while she works as an art teacher in a school. We will miss her and her wonderful classes dearly. We did thoroughly enjoy the "gallery show" that she put together as a sort of send-off party. Work by all of the students, inspired in color and form by Salvadorian artist Fernando Llort, was displayed in the nave of a church along with some collaborative pieces that were silent auctioned for a charity to benefit the people of El Salvador. In addition, there were snacks, space for coloring and painting, face painting, and a great slide show of the children creating in Paula's classes. Eleanor enjoyed the party, mostly running up and down the church aisles and eating chips right out of the bowl.

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Eleanor's work in the show.

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Eleanor and her friend Ella from class.

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