Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Kitchen

I've been feeling especially crafty lately -- just wanting to make anything and everything for Eleanor and Henry that I possibly can. I saw a pattern on the blog forty-two roads for a cardboard kitchen and decided that it would be perfect for Eleanor. I had no idea what I was getting into.

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The woman who made the kitchen originally and created the pattern must be running for mom of the year. Or engineer of the year. It is an incredibly well thought out pattern and a very creative re-use of corrugated cardboard but I just couldn't make it to the finish.

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I must have put 20 hours into the thing and this is as far as we got:

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That said, I kind of like the way the uncovered cardboard looks. Eleanor enjoys it, though maybe not quite as much as I think she should for all the hours of woman-labor. At any rate, the good thing about it is, if she gets tired of it we can just collapse it or recycle it. So, I am on to the next project -- a Waldorf doll for Eleanor. More on that as it comes together.

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1 comment:

Brad said...

Way to go Mom! That's a lot of work but we love the idea of recycling it when no longer needed! Great idea!