Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

I like the idea of Earth Day. It makes me focus a bit of time out of the hectic day to reflect on how to treat our planet with more respect. This year Vince is leading our family in a major environmentally friendly effort -- riding his bike to work. When we moved, just over a year ago, we got rid of my little old Civic (the one that used to be Gran's) and went down to just one car -- our "blue car" as Eleanor calls it, otherwise known as the minivan. It has somewhat less desirable gas mileage than a Civic, however the thing can hold 8 people so we often stuff it full and take one car instead of two. So, Vince has been diligently taking the bus and riding the Metro to work instead of driving. This, in and of itself, is an environmentally friendly action, but the past couple of weeks he has stepped it up a notch and started riding his bike to work. I'm so glad that he enjoys riding and is willing to go the (somewhat long) distance in to his office. It is good for the earth, good for his health, and a good example in our family. Thanks Honey!

1 comment:

Brad said...

Yeah Vince! I'd do it to but my commute is 25 miles so I'd show up and have to turn around and go home. But I do carpool!