Monday, April 14, 2008

Library Books - week of April 14, 2008

We have gone through several library trips without documenting any of the books we've read. This is no good because, of course, now I can't remember which ones we really liked, or if I can remember them, I can't remember the exact title and/or author! So, I want to get back on track with this because there are a lot of really great books out there and some we may want to check out again when Henry is a bit older. Here are a few from our recent bunch:

1. the dot by Peter H. Reynolds
This is an amazing book about an encouraging teacher who gives a little girl named Vashti the confidence to create her own art. The illustrations are simple but effective. I think Eleanor likes it because she is really into painting right now and she has an art teacher who she she thinks is "sweet".

2. "Charlie Needs a Cloak" by Tomie de Paola
I love Tomie de Paola's illustrations. And, this book is not only adorably illustrated with adorable sheep and a very expressive shepherd named Charlie, but it also teaches how wool is made into fabric. There are also fun little things like the mischievous sheep and the little mouse to keep kids occupied from page to page. This also fit in perfectly with our recent play silk dying experiment, since there is a page in the book about dying the cloth.

3. The Piggy in the Puddle by Charlotte Pomerantz, illustrated by James Marshall
This is a funny rhyme about a neat freak family of pigs and their little girl who is lounging in the mud. After repeated efforts to get her cleaned up they all end up in the "muddy little puddle". This is a fun book to read but a note of warning, this may be where Eleanor picked up the word "nope".

I also added another to the train book list.

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