Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Garden is in!

We got the garden in this weekend. An extra special thanks goes out to John, who ploughed up our garden (twice!) and to Grandaddy who gave the earth one final tilling before the veggies went in. The area is almost twice as big as last year (yikes!) but it gives us a bit more space to spread out, which is nice. We will hopefully have lots of nice tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, carrots, radishes, squash, cucumbers and sunflowers.

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As I was going out to get the plants -- a solo trip in order to get it done quickly on a busy weekend -- Eleanor came to the door and said, "Don't forget the marigolds." So, of course, we have lots of marigolds, too.

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1 comment:

Brad said...

We just got our garden ready and will try to put up our pictures this weekend. I had to build a fence this year since the deer ate everything last year. We went to bed one night with over 50 tomatoes and woke up the next morning with 0!