Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Rain

I am exhausted today, which I am sure is from Henry's multiple wakings and early rising time. In his defense, I think he is getting 4 teeth at the same time. At any rate, I am tired. And being in the house right after dinner wasn't cutting it. Both kids were screaming for one reason or another and it seemed that nothing I could do would assuage them.

So, the three of us set off, Henry in the Ergo, Eleanor walking, for the park that is just a couple of blocks away. The weather looked somewhat threatening, a cool wind was blowing and the clouds were looming to the west, but we forged ahead -- the promise of a couple of pre-bath minutes of peace on the playground were worth the risk.

We got there and Eleanor was instantly in seventh heaven. She LOVES the little play house. I started to feel a few drops of rain though and told her we would have to go soon. She adamantly refused. I had to lift her kicking and screaming, with Henry strapped to my front, mind you, and we slowly made our way back down the path. The rain started to come down harder, it was a very cold, blustery rain and, though we didn't have far to go, I was muttering under my breath about how, of course, this would happen. Eleanor stopped walking and, like a stubborn mule, wouldn't start again. I grabbed her and slung her up on my hip. I must have looked like a pack animal myself, trotting down the path with two babes in arms, in the pouring rain and wild wind.

Then, out of nowhere, Eleanor sang, "We're singing in the rain, just singing in the rain." Henry and I both laughed. She is so sweet to teach me the beauty in every moment, even when I am tired and grumpy.

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