Thursday, October 4, 2007

Brussel Sprouts

I used to be a picky eater. Vince will say I still am. One thing I used to think I didn't like, simply because they have a bad name, is brussel sprouts. Well, let me tell you they are delicious. After a brunch with Linda and Alec a few years ago, thanks to Linda's pan fried brussel sprouts, I realized that I love them. Whenever I find good sprouts at the supermarket, I am happy to bring them home and cook them up. My favorite way to eat them is as follows:

Cut the stems off and cut them in half (top to bottom).
Toss them in a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.
Put them flat side down on a cookie sheet.
Bake them in the oven until they are somewhat soft and browned.
Pop them in the mouth until the baking sheet is clean. (Warning: they are HOT!)

I should take pictures and add them to this post. Maybe next time we have sprouts I will.

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