Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Need for Pockets

When you have a nearly two year old, you need to have pockets. Eleanor likes to accumulate little treasures in a way that would make any collector proud. She loves to pick up rocks, leaves, acorns and all matter of little bits along our adventure walks. Every time she squats to pick up a rock and asks me to hold it (hence the need for pockets), I just think of getting her up to Lake Superior. I wish that Gran was still here to tell Eleanor what different kinds of rocks she is picking up, it was always nice having a geologist for a grandmother.

Here are some photos from recent adventure walks:

Eleanor with a maple and oak leaf
2007_10_13 014

My (rather old and wrinkly looking) hand holding Eleanor's finds -- an oak leaf, a crumpled up dogwood leaf, two acorns, an acorn "hat", a couple of rocks and a small wood chip
2007_10_13 005

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