Monday, October 1, 2007

Hurricane Eleanor

I often feel like Eleanor is a hurricane sweeping through the house and leaving utter and total destruction in her path. Sometimes it isn't just her either, I am often guilty of leaving a heap of dishes in the kitchen simply because I despise unloading the dishwasher. At any rate, I often feel frustrated with the state of affairs in our house, but when I see Eleanor peacefully reading a story to herself amidst the clutter and mess (see below), I realize that a clean house isn't really all that important. And, to Eleanor's credit, shortly after this picture was taken she helped me liberate the entire living room of the oppressive mess. At least the floor stays uncluttered for a few hours while she is asleep. I must say, I am eternally impressed with moms and dads who have it together and can maintain a tidy abode while rearing a small hurricane or two.

2007_09_30 009

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