Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Charlie's Soap

This may be a random thing to write about, but I wanted to be sure to put it on my list of baby related favorites. I first came across Charlie's Soap when Eleanor was only a few months old and her cloth diapers were starting to smell -- even when they were supposedly clean. I thought I was doing everything right, using the "free and clear" type detergent, using slightly less than the recommended amount, using pleanty of water for the diapers to swish around in, hanging them out to bleach in the sun, but alas, the diapers still stunk. I emailed one of the companies I had purchased diapers from and they recommended using Charlie's Soap. So, I figured we would give it a try.

The bag came and I was so surprised. It was tiny. And then to see the scoop they sent for measuring -- a tablespoon -- I was pretty sure it wouldn't work at all. We gave it a try though and, yep you guessed it, the "soap" (it is actually a detergent) worked great. One little scoop for a whole load took the stink out of the diapers. We have been using it ever since, not only on diapers but also on regular clothes, towels, and almost everything that goes in the washing machine. (I say almost because other family members occasionally like the scent of regular detergent.)

I also like the fact that Charlie's Soap is a good environmental choice. They have several studies on their website about how it is biodegradable and non-toxic, important things for babies now and for the future.

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