Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Busses and Trains

Here is a brief photo documentary of our trip out this past weekend. Our car was getting a nail hole repaired and we made it into a fun little family adventure.

Eleanor dashed out the door when we mentioned going on a bus and a train:
2008_01_16 001

We waited for the bus, which was right on time:
2008_01_16 007

The bus ride was pretty exciting, we saw lots of "cars, vroom vroom":
2008_01_16 009

We ate lunch at our favorite kid-friendly restaurant, Clyde's. Lots of cars, planes, boats and trains to look at:
2008_01_16 010

Then we waited, and waited, and waited for the train:
2008_01_16 012

When the train did finally come, the lights blinked. (And, yes, Eleanor has a large smear of ketchup on her face):
2008_01_16 015

On the Metro. By this time we were all ready to pick up the car and go home:
2008_01_16 018

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