Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Years Resolutions. Late.

I've been mulling over my resolutions for this new year and am only now getting around to actually expressing them. I've sort of been thinking in terms of several categories -- personal, family, others, green, home, for example. I won't bore you all with the details of all my more personal resolutions but I did want to put a few notes about my green resolution. In a word: bags.

I don't know what it is about most of my shopping experiences but I cannot remember my reusable bags! I'm talking about the bags that I already have in the car, specifically for shopping trips, so that I don't come home with a bunch of plastic bags. I seem to be able to remember them when I go to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. I am not sure if this is because these are greenish stores or what, but everywhere else I seem to go in empty handed and come out plastic laden. The irritating thing is, I already HAVE the bags in the car! Anyway, my resolution should be clear by now: I must start remembering to take my bags in with me. I was thinking I might even make myself a little note and tape it to the steering wheel. There is no reason for me to go into Target or a bookstore or a clothing shop without a bag, especially if there is something specific I am going to buy, which usually there is.

Anyway, I am not looking to debate hot issues on this blog (for anyone thinking of trying to instigate by posting something inflammatory in the comments), I am simply putting down my thoughts -- probably more to help me remember than anything else.

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