Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Library Books - week of January 21, 2008

I've been wanting to write all week but the stars (and nap times) have just not been properly aligned.

I am way, way behind on books! But we have had some really good ones recently so I wanted to put down a few short notes about some that we have enjoyed. Plus, a few updates on the train book list -- some from our library books, some from when we were home in Michigan. (Thanks for going to the library Mu!)

1. Grandmother Winter by Phyllis Root, illustrated by Beth Krommes
This book has the most lovely illustrations, which is what initially drew me to it. The story of seasons and animals is also beautifully written. I do love winter and this book evokes all of the feelings of cold, wind and being cozy inside under a down quilt. Oh, by the way, Eleanor quite likes it too.

2. I Want My Potty by Tony Ross
Eleanor has thoroughly enjoyed reading this book about a little princess who is potty training. The refrain "the potty's the place" has struck some sort of chord with her. Maybe it will inspire her to start using the potty on a more regular basis.

3. Ballerina! by Peter Sis
This is the second time we have checked out this book. It is a simple color book but Eleanor really likes all of the descriptions on each page (stretch, dip, flutter, etc.) and has them all memorized. I am pretty sure she's going to enjoy dance throughout her life.

We actually have returned this bunch but will hopefully be able to stay more on top of things for the next bunch of books.

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